Fun with scrapes and bruises

Fun with scrapes and bruises

All the scars. All of them.

Guess who was a very stylish survivor of a fire at a queer ice-skating tournament today? I directed one of the short plays for Oberlin’s 24 Hour Playwrights’ Festival and ended up subbing for one of my actors. (Poor thing could barely stay on her feet for being sick.)

Anyway, yeah… I had a bit too much fun with my makeup. I am particularly proud of an especially disgusting scrape that I painted onto my hand with fake blood. Looks particularly nice with the nail polish I got a few days ago. (My neighbor friend and the French Teachers’ Assistants coerced me into a few “soirées vernis a ongles”/nail painting parties, and I discovered that the stuff actually can be fun. Shiny colors! Woo!)

The vest was actually a costume piece for my other actor, who played the fire-breathing barbershop singer who accidentally started the fire. After a few rough runs of the play in rehearsal, he really grew into the role, which made me very happy.

Plus, our writer won the best playwright award (i.e. a gift card to a local café) at the end of the final show. Lots of fun all around. Except for our one poor, sick baby – I mean actor. Sad face.


3 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Jessica Snyder Sachs
    May 15, 2013 @ 05:00:21



  2. Jessica Snyder Sachs
    May 15, 2013 @ 05:00:43

    Congrats! (your email subject line scared me at first!)


  3. sofferclese
    May 15, 2013 @ 07:07:08

    My larcenous (legal?) mind at work: Walk into an upscale store in town, fall down conspicuously, then hold up your hand and cry. As they rush to your aid, casually mention that your dad’s a lawyer, and they’ll offer a generous out-of-court settlement. (Sorry, just an occupational disability, I guess.)


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